Our Values

Our service to God and His People

We believe that our relationship with God

is defined by how we genuinely serve Him, not by

what we benefit materially from Him.  Our

service to God becomes even more meaningful  

and rewarding when we work in harmony to meet

the needs of our community, the less privileged – people

for whom Christ has come.

Unity and sense of belonging

As a body of Christ, we embrace people of all ages, cultures

languages and experiences. By sharing the love and hope

of Christ we remain strong, united and belonged. As Christ loves His

Church, so we’re committed to loving, caring for and accepting

all who comes into our church family.

Jesus is our hope and salvation.

His sacrifice on the cross has saved mankind and given us a new beginning. His abundant Grace is sufficient for us every morning. The Holi Spirit transforms us and renews our strength.

Community Outreach

We love our community, and we are committed

to reaching out into the community to positively impact as many

lives as we possibly can. We believe that bringing our community to

the knowledge and fullness of God is key to reviving lost souls and

transforming the community. Christ has saved us to save others –

to give hope to the hopeless through the sharing of the Gospel.

Spiritual Growth and Development

Helping us to grow in our faith matters much to

Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith.

We believe in prayer, Bible reading and developing

healthy relationships with God and family as recipes

for real, sustainable and authentic spiritual growth.